TNA Survey 2023

We would be grateful for your kind cooperation in providing general information about training that Customs Officers of your Administration have received during the year (2022). All responses will be strictly confidential. Your responses will help us to identify training needs and trends in the OCO region and potential areas for assistance.

Contact Information

Name of Administration: *
Email *
Total number of Employees: *
Full Name (Officer filling in the form on behalf of the Organisation/programme) & Position: *
1. Have Officers participated during the past year in? *
3. In what area(s) was training provided? *
2. If Customs Officers took part in outside training program, which training provider (s) were used *
Name of University, Regional or International Organisation *
Any other comments or suggestions: *

4. How many employees, both male and female have participated in training program in the past year?

Number of Female *
Number of male *
5. How has training been put to use in your Administration. Have trainees: *

6. What is your Administration 3 most important areas of Training in order of priority shown in (3). (Please state how the training in the priority area is linked to a national reform priority or addresses any gaps in processes or legislation)

1. Priority Training Area *
Linkage to National reform/priority *
2. Priority Training Area *
Linkage to National reform/priority *
3. Priority Training Area *
Linkage to National reform/priority *
7. Any other comments or suggestions: *